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Our company

Ruta del Este

We are the concessionaire responsible for of a section of the Eastern Pan-American Road (Carretera Panamericana), a 246 km two lane road connecting Panamá City with the town of Yaviza. This corridor connects the Province of Darién with the rest of the country and is one of the main means of socioeconomic development in the region.

Our project is part of the Pan-American Road , the most important road and the main transportation logistics platform in Panama. It is more than 750 km long and crosses the country between Costa Rica, to the West, and the province of Darién, to the East of Panama City.

The project includes the rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance of the Eastern Pan-American Road for 18 years, divided into five stages: precedent, pre-construction, construction, operation and maintenance, and transfer.

We are a route that works to contribute to the well-being and transforms the lives of thousands of people, where commitment to communities and the preservation of ecosystems is a fundamental part of our journey through safe modern, and sustainable mobility.

El contrato de concesión fue adjudicado a ISA Vías, empresa de ISA y principal operador de concesiones de carreteras interurbanas en ese país, con esta nueva concesión, ISA llega a los 1106 km de vías en operación y construcción, donde pondrá más de 20 años de experiencia al servicio de Panamá.

With Ruta del Este we join ISA's road concessions business unit and connect millions of people in Panama, Colombia and, Chile.

Concesiones viales de ISA Vías

Through Ruta del Maipo, Ruta de la Araucanía, Ruta de los Ríos, Ruta del Loa and Ruta Costera, located in Chile and Colombia, we contribute to the development of these countries.

Carrusel de Etapas

ISA, a company of the Ecopetrol Group, is a multi-Latin company with more than 56 years of experience and track record, which operates in the Electric Power Transmission, Road Concessions, Telecommunications and ICT business units, and contributes to the quality of life of millions of people in Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Central America, through the work of over 5,000 employees in 54 companies.

The company develops its business based on technical excellence, the efficient provision of its services, the creation of sustainable value for its stakeholders and society in general, integrating cutting-edge technological solutions and supported by the best practices of ethics and corporate governance.

ISA and its companies are committed to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, the rational use of resources, the development of programs that generate a positive impact on the environment, the comprehensive development of the communities where it operates, and the quality, reliability, and availability of the services it provides.

ISA is a mixed private-public owned company, incorporated as a joint-stock company, of commercial nature and national order, governed by Laws 142 and 143 of 1994 and domiciled in the city of Medellin (Colombia). Ecopetrol is ISA’s majority and controlling shareholder since it owns 51.41 % of the capital stock.

The Company has state and private investors. Its stocks and bonds are traded in the Colombia Stock Exchange. Also, the company has a Level I American Depositary Receipt (ADR) traded in the U.S. Over the Counter (OTC) market. All the shares that comprise the capital stock have the same rights and are common, registered, and dematerialized. There are no statutory restrictions on their transferability. ISA applies high standards of transparency, efficiency, and corporate governance that provide protection and confidence to investors.

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Shareholding structure

100 %  ISA Vías.